Welcome to Madison’s restaurant, a vision of creativity and balance. After 17 years of working in the industry and chasing our dreams, we have finally made it reality. At a young age my mother told me to find what I loved to do, become the best at it that I can and teach it to others.

When I found out I had an opportunity to make my dream a reality I decided to jump in with both feet. I don’t believe anything in life can be as scary as taking everything you have just to make your dreams a reality.

I wound up placing several ads out to find a chef that would produce a product that was different than what others were doing. After interviewing close to thirty individuals, I meet Chef Jeffery Slade. His resume was extensive and he had worked at some of the best restaurants in the world. Chefs of his caliber are hard to come by and to have a sixty seat operation in Nassau County and pay an individual of this caliper what they deserve is not an easy feat.

After several meetings I will never forget our final one. I asked Jeffery what Nassau County was missing, and told him I wanted to have him as my partner, not just my chef. I wanted to make his dreams a reality along with my own. I gave him free rein of the kitchen to create whatever menu he wanted and to allow his creativity to go wild.

After several weeks of working with my partner I can stand by this. It is an honor and privilege to watch an artist on a daily basis do what he does. The only word I can use is breathtaking. It brings me great pride to call him a partner and a friend and the tastes and creations are second to none. When you receive his plates you don’t want to eat them because of their beauty. But when you bite in, that is where you realize what angels must eat.

I can tell you this; this industry is not one that is easy. We all typically as managers, chefs and owners work long grueling hours, usually six days a week, every holiday and every weekend. We give up the time that most have to spend with family and loved ones to do what we love. I wish at 18 years of age someone would have told me to become passionate at something different. Quality of life can be rough but I can tell you this. Nothing is better than serving the best food and spirits to the best people. This is a second family and this would never be possible without every individual that works here. From my dishwasher, to my busboy, to my vendors, front of house staff and cooks, we could not do this without you all. I can’t express my gratitude enough to all those that make this possible on a daily basis.

We truly look forward to meeting and serving you here at Madison’s. It is an honor to do what we love and to provide such wonderful cuisine at such an excellent cost.

With thanks and appreciation,  

Kevin Madison- Owner/ Operator

            Jeffery Slade- Executive Chef/ Partner