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Boys and Girls K, 1st, & 2nd Grade CLINIC


The Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade program is a clinic and teams are not formed.   
All interested volunteers are used to help run this program
and are supplemented at special events by professional instruction.   
Our focus is on fun and developing the skills necessary to play the game.      
Each participant will receive a Garden City Basketball Clinic Jersey and a Garden City Basketball medal.  
The program has holiday off dates for the Christmas and New Years school break

General Format

Ø      Players arrive, shoot around, and will then be lined up along the eastern side of the gym. 

Ø      Players will be split up into groups and sent to a basket/station.

Ø      Boys and girls are usually separated, younger players and older players normally separate themselves, and most of the players are where they want to be…with their friends

Ø      One to three parent/coaches will be at each of the 8 basket/stations.

Ø      As recommended by the JrNBA, Baskets are at 8 feet and smaller “rookie” balls are used.

Ø      Players rotate through the drills clockwise at the whistle (about every 8 - 10 minutes).

Ø      Drills become more advanced and are changed as we progress through the season.

Ø      In the middle of January, a couple of baskets/stations will be used for 3-on-3 games.

Ø      Please be aware of space around half court so as not to run into the drill at the other end of the court.

Ø      Please have your child wear their Garden City Basketball jersey to all of our functions.

Ø      Kids may get a drink of water at anytime. 

These foundation drills are the base of practice sessions used by our coaches in our other programs. 

Court layout by basket

                                                East side of gym
            Station 1                      Station 2 

Entrance, Bathrooms
            Station 8                      Station 3  
Stewart Ave side North
            Station 7                      Station 4         

South side of gym
            Station 6                      Station 5          


The Garden City Basketball program is meant to be fun and provide a learning experience. 
Poor and improper behavior by coaches, parents, and players are seldom seen in our program but will not be tolerated if it ever arises.   
Please help keep the gym clean by depositing water bottles in the trash. 

To aid your child’s development, we recommend the individual coaching and camps run by:

We also recommend that you utilize the “Basketball Links” section of this website and Sportskool on Free on Optimum Cable for additional information/instruction.   
If there are any questions, please contact your coordinator or John Skramko via email at jskramko@live.com or at 746-9659.   

Clinic Drills  
This is the basic framework of our Clinic.  We encourage volunteers, coaches, players, and parents to provide feedback as to how we conduct these sessions.   

Station/Basket 1 – Dribbling

“The most important basketball skill there is 6th grade and below”


Create three to six lines of players on the end-line under the basket.
The player at the head of each line has a ball.
Cones are setup to dribble towards.
Use a mid court location that is just short of half court so as not to collide with the other half court drill.


Player is in athlete’s stance (knees slightly bent, back arched).
Dribble with wrist and finger tips. (show how slapping the ball is not good)
Dribble with right hand to cone and back.  Dribble with left hand to cone and back.
Add the variation of walking backwards when coming back.
Emphasis on looking up and dribbling with fingers and not the hands.


Similar to the first passing drill variation.  Form two lines facing each other.
Player takes two dribbles then bounce or chest passes to the other line, and then goes to the end of the line they passed to. 


Dribble with one hand and have a catch (using a tennis ball) with the other hand.  A player may do this drill by themselves bouncing the tennis ball off of a wall.  This is an excellent method of not watching your dribble and being able to look and move around while dribbling. 


A defender may be added (only there for positioning, no stealing of the ball). Players may dribble in a square around the half court. (dribble forwards, then shuffle right, then backwards, then shuffling left to the starting position) (note that the player with the ball is always facing the same direction).


Survivor dribbling.  Each player has a ball. The half court or three point arc are used as the playing area.
Players dribble and must knock away the ball of other players.  If a ball goes out of bounds then that player is out.  The last player in the designated playing area is the winner.  If the last couple of players can not get each other “out” then declare multiple winners.

Station/Basket 2 – Speed, Agility, and Defense


Speed Ladder, Balance Board, and jump ropes. 
The advanced forms of this drill needs to be demonstrated once to the coaches. 
Doing is easier than writing.
Basic - Cones are in a square slightly smaller than half court.
Players perform a defensive shuffle around the square of the court.
Then add a dribbling player (with the other player as defensive shuffling player).
Players face each other.  There is no stealing. 
Switch dribbling/defense at each corner or after each trip around the square.


Emphasis on side to side shuffling and proper dribbling (look up not down).
Knees bend, butt out, back at 45 degree angle, weight on front part of foot for good balance,
feet apart a little beyond shoulder width.
Never cross your feet.
Hands are out and ready.

Level 2 – Players form two lines one under each end of the backboard.
A player at the head of each line comes onto the court, one on each end of the foul line, with their backs to the basket.
One coach has the ball and the player in front denies (defensive position) the other player is in a help position (sees the ball and the player they are guarding, arm is out,
one step distance given to offensive player) coach passes to other coach, players shift (one to deny the other to help). Stay between the player you are guarding and the basket.

Station/Basket 3 – Triple Threat / Pivoting

The long term goal of this drill is to allow the player to be instantaneously prepared when catching the ball.  Prepared to shoot, drive to the basket (get a good first step) and to pass. Pivoting is very important because players must often create offensive space to make a move.


Players are positioned in two perpendicular lines (along the end line and across the extension of the foul line).  They should be spread at least 5 feet apart. If possible, each player should have a ball.


As with other drills, the coach demonstrates proper form prior to starting.

Basic level - Lift up right heel, turn on right toe, move left foot from 9o’clock to 2o’clock, keep looking straight ahead, and then pivot back to the original position. Pivoting and passing can be added. Remove all but one ball.  Form players along the end line and across the three point circle. Have players pass, pivot, and pass (in a continuous circle). 

Level 2 – Maintain emphasis of feet.  Add movement of ball. Player should be ready to shoot, pass, dribble, and avoid defenders.

Level 3 – Run toward the passer and perform a jump stop landing on both feet at the same time.  This allows either foot to become the pivot foot.

Level 4 – Add a defender.  Coach may “challenge” player to pivot away. Emphasis is on not pivoting with the ball through/across/in front of a defender. Pivot away keeping your body between the defender and the ball.

Level 5 – Form a lay-up line.  Have coach be a defender. Player pivots away, to shoot, and then drives to the basket for a lay-up. 

Station/Basket 4 – Passing

First bounce and then chest passes.  Place emphasis on proper passing techniques. Receiving player should have the ball coming right into their waiting hands.


Form two lines facing one another. Each player has a partner on the opposite side. Receiving player has hands up and ready to catch/receive the ball.  (step forward when passing, catch ball with two hands in front of the body)


Place hands on side of the ball (a little towards the top and back of the ball) Elbows in.  Athlete’s stance with back arched and knees slightly bent. Bring ball up and out away from the body in a circular motion. As ball is brought back to body, step towards target, pushing with legs, and use wrists to pass ball. Let foot touch the floor first with the heel then toe allowing the players weight to flow into the pass.

Variation – Form two lines facing each other (one at each end of the foul line). Use one ball.  Player passes to the first player in opposite line and then goes to the end of the line that was passed too.  Four lines can be used to have twice as many players active. 

Variation – “keep away”

Form groups of three in triangles. Place a player in the middle of each triangle. Players pass to one another (one of the two players should always be open). If a pass is intercepted then the passer goes into the middle. If a minute has passed without an interception (or a passer holds the ball too long) then swap another player into the center. 


Form a circle with players rotating in a clockwise direction in a defensive stance/shuffle. Pass to players 


Use two players and two balls.  One player performs a bounce pass while the other player simultaneously does the chest pass.  A more advanced version is to do this while shuffling sideways down the court. 

Station/Basket 5 – Give and Go

Emphasis is on all of the previous drills of dribbling, passing, pivoting, and shooting lay-ups.


Form two lines one on the side (on wing near foul line) and one at 45 degree right side lay-up angle.


Player passes from the lay-up line to wing and cuts to basket. Wing passes ball back for lay-up, rebounds the basketball, and passes to the next shooter. (the pass should lead the shooter towards the basket) Each player goes to the end of the opposite line. Please give rebounding instructions with the proper pivot and pass back to the shooting line.

Station/Basket 6 – Pass, Cut and Replace

Concept is passing and moving similar to station5.


The form of this drill needs to be demonstrated once to the coaches. Doing is easier than writing.


Point guard at the top of key passes to coach on the right wing and cuts to the basket for a pass from coach. After lay-up the former point guard goes to the end of the line at the end line. Two other players rotate (one from baseline to the left wing and the second from left wing to point guard). Players lined up on the end line fill the baseline position.

Advanced forms of this drill include no passing to the cutter and passes from the point guard to other locations. If you pass from the top of the key, cut and go to the corner of the side you passed to. If you pass from the wing to the top of the key, cut and go to the opposite corner from where you were.

Station/Basket 7 - Shooting /Jump shot     

This is a difficult drill yet very important. If there are a large number of players you should create two lines. It is important to keep players engaged and active. Other coaches can work with kids on the line by emphasizing the holding/release of the ball and may use the wall to practice shooting and/or dribbling at the release point against the wall. 


Position directly in front of the basket Distance of shot is about 2-3 feet.  (the distance is increased to 4-5 feet during season) Check basic stance (feet side by side about shoulders width apart, the knees slightly bent, butt slightly out, shoulders hunched, elbow under ball, wrist back) 

Mechanics (for right hand shooter) (short step with right foot, heel/toe and bend knees, then push with legs and simultaneously push with arm and then finish shot by following through with wrist. Arm is completely extended and hand/fingers point towards the floor (put hand in cookie jar) Try to establish a continuity, a flow, or rhythm to the shot. Emphasis on using legs and shooting with one hand (watch guide hand and rotation of the ball) hooter retrieves rebound and passes to the next shooter in line. If available, use the shooting ring to emphasize releasing the ball “up and out” towards the rim.   

Station/Basket 8 – Lay-up

It is very important to start slowly and work towards dribbling/running lay-ups. It normally takes a couple of weeks to go from basic with no dribble to a few dribbles. Players that are able to perform a proper lay-up from day one are encouraged to do so. Other coaches should work with players waiting on the line by emphasizing important skill points such as left foot down, right hand up.  A “skipping” exercise should be used to emphasize the lay-up motion.  Work the desired motion(s) without a ball while waiting. 

Setup for the shot

Basic level – Footwork with no dribble. Players form a line at a 45 degree angle to the basket. Right side of basket lay-up for the first couple of weeks, will also add a rebound line later) Feet together shoulder distance apart (ok to have one foot slightly in front of another) Mechanics of the shot Elbow under the ball.  Wrist back with hand placed directly under ball Bend at the waist, take a long step with left foot (hit with heel, roll onto toe), bend left knee as the left foot hits the floor getting in position to jump off the left leg (high jump not broad jump), lift right knee up to waist as you jump, shoot ball up following through with the wrist. The shot is high and soft off the backboard (usually the top right corner of the box). Explain concept of keeping the proper angle to the basket. 

Level 2 – One dribble towards the basket. Pick up ball at hip level getting the right wrist under the ball as the ball is picked up off the dribble.

Level 3 – All of the above but take 2 or 3 dribbles going as slowly as possible to emphasize technique. 

Level 4 – Drive to hoop with maximum speed.  The last step must be long to stop momentum and to help you jump straight up (and not sail past the basket) and put the ball off the backboard softly. 


To increase participation and to “mix things up”… You may have some races and then go back to your drill. 

Dribbling Races

Form a number of equal and “fairly balanced” lines. Create a spot for each line to dribble to and return. Player hands-off to the next player in line. Have the lines far enough apart to avoid collisions. Have the players dribble to a spot a decent distance away (almost half court or longer if available) 

Running Races 

Line players on the end line under the basket. Players will run to a line and back to the end line, Run to the next furthest line and back and so on (there are 3 lines to run to) (this drill used to be called “killers” or “suicides”, we don’t want to use these terms, “monsters” is better)

Lay-ups Races

Players form two lines perpendicular to the basket. Ball is rolled between/under each players legs to the last player in line. Last player dribbles to the basket, shoots a lay-up, retrieves rebound (made or missed), And passes to first player in line. The rebounder now becomes the first player in the line. First team to make 15 baskets is the winner. (raise or lower number as necessary)