Advance Termite Bait System Facts
Why choose the Advance Termite Bait System over other baits?
How the Advance Termite Bait System works.
What are the Advance Termite Bait System installation costs?
The revolutionary Advance Termite Bait System, proven to eliminate termite colonies in and around your home, offers advantages and long-term protection of your biggest investment – your home.
Why choose the Advance Termite Bait System over other baits?
  • · Newest technology available in a sturdy station designed to minimize tampering from children and pets.
  • · Offers the latest advancement in termite baiting technology via a dual-stage process that features an ultra low disturbance design to pattern termite’s natural feeding behavior, leading to enhanced colony elimination.
  • · Features Puri-Cell™, a unique food source preferred in studies by termites over the wood used in most homes.
  • · Allows significant amount of bait to be fed to the colony in less time to eliminate your termite colony faster, giving you peace of mind.
How the Advance Termite Bait System works.
  • · First, a pest management professional will inspect your home for termites and if they are found or your risk is high, the Advance Termite Bait System will be installed around the perimeter of your home.
  • · The stations will be checked regularly for termite activity. (Fig. 1)
  • · When termites are found in a station, (Fig. 2) the Termite Inspection Cartridge, containing no active ingredient, is replaced with a termite bait cartridge with active ingredient so termites can start feeding on the bait. (Fig. 3)
  • · As termites feed and then travel back to the colony, they share termite bait with other nestmates and send other termites back to feed on the bait. As feeding on the bait continues and more termites are affected, the termite colony starts to die and is eliminated.
  • · After a colony is eliminated, the bait will be replaced with new termite inspection cartridges. Your pest management professional will continue to inspect these regularly to discover new colonies that might invade your property. (Fig. 4)
What are the Advance Termite Bait System installation costs?
Contact a pest management professional in your area and ask for the Advance Termite Bait System. They are trained and licensed to evaluate your home and provide cost effective recommendations for solving your termite problems.

Rest assured, it will be competitive to other types of termite treatments currently available today.