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MEASUREMATE IS A WRITE AND SWIPE DISC That adheres to the side of a tape measure. It's an essential tool that avoids costly Mis-Cuts and wasted time spent re-measuring. It will save your employees or customers Time, Money and Frustration by keeping track of your measurements. Write with any pencil on the side of your tape measure and Simply Swipe and Erase with a finger to use again and again.

We now Customize our Formica Based Disc by Engraving it with our Laser process. So now you can advertise your business while saving company Money and Time. A win win!

Here are some examples where Money and Time are Saved by MEASUREMATE.

Ex #1. FORGOTTEN MEASUREMENTS: If it only takes 3 minutes to go re-measure a forgotten measurement, that's no big deal. But when numerous workers spend 3 minutes each, the minutes add up. And that's EACH time it happens.

Ex #2. MULTIPLE MEASUREMENTS: Multiple dimensions can easily be confused and result in costly material Mis-Cuts. Costing companies hundreds or even thousands of of dollars.  

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