Franklin Decorators
983 Hempstead Turnpike, Franklin Square, NY 11010
(516) 354-2418

“Visual Impact” 

The difference, careful centering and matching can produce as essential elements add a quality re-upholstery job is obvious to anyone interested in fine craftsmanship. These are the details at which we excel!

All patterns, large or small, are centered on seats and backs. Planning and careful measurements are necessary before any cutting is done. Inside arms are centered when working with a large, distinct pattern, and if a chair has wings, they are then matched either to the inside arms or inside back.

Separate pieces are cut identically, with great care taken to ensure that each one matches its complement. Sectional pieces must match, slip-seats, cornices, throw pillows and chairs as well. Where couches have multiple backs, all must match. Channels on a channel-back chair are cut and installed with precision, in order to create a visual order pleasing to the eye. Sometimes, an upholsterer's pride in perfection is the catalyst for turning a piece of furniture into dramatic work of art, using pattern and color to achieve beauty unmatched in any modern furniture factory.

Stripes and plaids present a unique challenge. Stripes must be cut and aligned precisely by the upholsterer, but the meticulous attention required in working with a plaid is the best proof of a proud craftsman. All the vertical lines must be aligned with those sections adjacent to them.

The final steps in the process is making skirts and cushions. Skirts are cut, sewn, and installed. In front, they match with inside back, platform and front border of seat. On outside arms and outside backs, the pattern must match as well.

Cushions are then made, with both faces and front borders tying in to form a continuous flow of pattern seldom found in new furniture.