Hairvision 2000 (516-505-1210)
 28 Nassau Blvd
 Garden City , NY 11530
Welcome to Hairvision 2000
  Friday, May 10, 2024 
 Job Information:
 Job Title: Other
 Job Type: Full Time
 Job Hours: Weekday Days
 Job Description: Looking to Advance Your Career?
Experienced Hairdressers, Shampoo Assistants, Beauty Therapists, Massage Therapist
 Job Duties: The possibilities are endless! As a Hairvision 2000 associate you decide how you want to grow your talents. Enthusiasm and creativity are the key aspects of your career.
 Job Requirements/Comments: Full time or part time positions are available. We seel dynamic, motivated, highly energetic individuals who share the same excitement and passion for our industry to join our talented team. Call rose for an appointment to explore this opportunity