Minutes of the Garden City Estates Property Owners’ Association

Held on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 at Stratford School at 8:00 p.m.


The monthly meeting of the Garden City Estates Property Owners’ Association was held on Wednesday evening, May 11, 2011 at the Stratford School Auditorium commencing at 8:00 p.m.  President Kathleen Auro led the fifty assembled persons in the Pledge of Allegiance.  President Auro then announced the new Offices for the Estates Property Owners’ Association as selected by the Directors.  They include William Slattery as President, Greg Senken as Vice-President and Matthew Abrusci as Treasurer.  Mike Holland continues as Secretary.  President Auro then turned the meeting over to newly elected President William Slattery who heard a report from the Nominating Committee Chairman, Manny Velez.  Mr. Velez explained by the process by which the Nominating Committee nominates Director each year.  This year’s nominees include John Skramko, Susan Eigl and Vincent Fusco, all who have previously been serving as Directors, with two new Directors Kristina Russo and Courtney Rosenblatt.  Both Kristina and Courtney have been very active in the Citizens Review Budget Committee.  The two vacancies were created because Kathleen Auro has completed her term of service and John DeMaro has been elected Village Trustee.  A vote of the assembled persons unanimously elected all five nominees for Directors.


Committee Reports

President Slattery then received the report from Randy Colahan of the Library Committee.  The Library Committee has met with Trustee Cavanaugh to address concerns concerning budget cuts and the effect on library operations.  The library’s annual book sales will be held on May 21, 2011 and there has been uptick in library use.


Hugh Lacey from the Architect Design and Review Board reported that the Committee is reviewing numerous house submissions.  Pat Manley from the Recreational and Cultural Events Commission described the pool renovation plan.  Phase I will involve the expenditure of approximately $2.2 million to repair and renovate the pool area.  The improvements will begin after 2011 pool season and hopefully will be in effect for the 2012 year.  Pat also reported on the use of the pool for the High School senior party.  There have been problems over the past several years and the Men’s Association, which is sponsoring the pool party, has come up with a comprehensive security plan to ensure that there are no mishaps.


The School Board Report

Dr. Robert Fiersen, the School Superintendent, Al Chase, the Vice-President for Administration and Colleen Foley, our President of the School Board, made an extensive presentation concerning the proposed school budget which will be voted on between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on May 17, 2011.  Dr. Fiersen urged all residents of the Village to vote on the school budget.  Dr. Fiersen had some thirty slides which illustrated the details of the school budget for the year.  There is a $3.1 million increase over last year in the school budget which represents approximately a 2.58% tax increase with the Star adjustment.  The factors driving the budget increase are the reduction in state aid, higher costs for special education, increase in health care costs and an increase in state mandated pension contributions.  Additionally, Nassau County has imposed a $100,000 water usage fee on the school district.  School Board President Colleen Foley addressed the concern of parents that class sizes be maintained at twenty-five which is a goal that has been aggressive pursued by the school district.  Dr. Fiersen pointed out that approximately ten teachers are being excessed this year although it is possible that some of them may retain jobs through either attrition or replacements for teachers on maternity leave.


Scholarship Fund

President Slattery then reported on the Scholarship Fund.  Two scholarships will be awarded this year, one to a male student and one to a female student, who will be chosen by the staff at the Garden City High School.  The scholarships in the amount of $500.00 each will be named in honor of Mort Yuter, who has been a very active participant in property owners’ affairs for many years.


Traffic Commission

Doug Singer, our representative on the Traffic Commission, reported that one resident had requested that Weyford Terrace be made either a one way street or that there be parking restricted to only one side of the street.  The matter is under study.


Trustee Reports

Village Trustees John DeMaro and Brian Daughney were both present and reported briefly on the decision of the Board of Trustees not to spend $3.3 million to repair the water tower.  Other possibilities are being looked into including either replacement or possible selling of advertising space to cut the cost of painting and maintaining the tower.  Trustee Daughney also reported on the countywide referendum seeking to raise $400 million to revitalize Nassau Coliseum and to put in a softball field in the area of the Nassau Coliseum.


There are no definitive plans for use of St. Paul’s at the present time and all input and ideas are welcome.  

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.  

The next meeting of the Garden City Estates Property Owners’ Association will be held on Wednesday, June 8, 2011 at 8:00 at Stratford School.


                                                            Respectfully submitted,
Michael J. Holland