Meeting, June 8, 2011

The Property Owners’ Association of Garden City Estates met on Wednesday,

June 8th, at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Stratford School.

Everyone stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.  President Slattery welcomed everyone to the meeting.  It was acknowledged that there was quorem for the meeting.

He announced that the Estates POA presented the first “Estates POA - Mort Yuter” scholarships to Alfred Russo and Tracy Krug at the Awards Ceremony at the Senior High School last week ($500.00 each).

He announced the appointment of Manuel Velez (Manny) as chairperson of a new committee having to do with by-law compliance and related administration.

Kristina Russo and Courtney Rosenblatt have been reappointed by the Estates POA to the CBRAC. The POA is still looking for other directors or other residents who might also be interested in serving on the committee.

Betsy Andromidas was appointed by the POA to fill a vacancy as a Director (seat recently vacated by Joanne Adams).

Robert Bommarito and Tom Stenson were appointed to serve on the Nominating Committee.

President Slattery complemented Kathy Auro for her years of service as member, director, and Vice President.  He also congratulated her for the wonderful job she did when, as vice president, she filled in as acting President after John DeMaro (recently former President) became a Trustee.  He presented her with a bouquet of flowers.



Library Chairman, Randy Colahan, reported that the Library Board will be meeting next Monday.  He discussed the library’s continued effort to work within their approved budget, and commented on the select “reduced” hours of service, as well as the ongoing efforts to review potential savings further savings which might replace some scheduled library hours. 

Pat Manley sent in a report re: Rec. Commission.  They met last night and went over the pool project once again.  They expect to go out for bids soon.  The report also mentioned that the Rec Commission received notice from the Men’s Assoc. whereby they rescinded their request for use of the pool in order to sponsor the HS pool party.

New Director, Betsy Andromidas, said that a group of residents are setting up a 501-C charity organization in order to raise money and obtain grants for a variety of causes that support the community.  She said it was originally Kevin Ocker’s idea.  They will be having a cocktail party in the fall, a chicken barbeque, and a talent show in the winter.  They are planning to have a logo contest and bumper stickers.  They hope to raise $50,000 to $100,000.

CBRAC: Kristina Russo and Courtney Rosenblatt reported they are organizing for the next period.  They need more members to join the committee.

They should have financial background. In addition to residents interested in working with the Committee, they also welcome any information about residents with backgrounds in specialized areas for possible use on special sub-committees.

VILLAGE TRUSTEES:    Brian Daughney and John DeMaro.  Trustee DeMaro reported the Board of Trustees held a Public Hearing on the amendments to the Building Codes.  At present, the code allows for a side-yard fence to go to the halfway part of the property.  The proposed new code allows for it to go to the front of the building line.  There was considerable discussion pro and con, mostly con about moving it to the front of the building line. There are also other revisions to the building code.  At the BOT meeting, there was no vote on the code amendments.

The hearing was held over until the next Board Meeting.

Village resident, Bill Bellmer, had written the Board of Trustees suggesting that the vacant piece of land on the west side of Frankling Ave, between Third and Fourth Streets be sold to build eight houses as a source of tax revenue.  It went to the Planning Committee who voted 5 to 1, at their meeting tonight, to preserve it as open space.  The neighbors in the Central section were opposed to losing any green space.  There were questions by residents of the Estates as to whether it could become dedicated parkland in order to possibly exchange “parkland” parcels if needed for St. Paul’s usage. There was also conversation that there is a difference between a village park and “parkland”.

Book Span is proposing to build 54 condo units south of its property.  This is an “as of right” project.

Trustee Daughney reported that at the Rec. meeting lat night, plans for the pool are proceeding.  The engineers laid out their current plans.  They will probably firm up the plans in the next few weeks and then go out to bid.

CITIZENS COMMENTS:  The pool opens this Saturday.  The Belmont Stakes festival will take place on 7th St. on Friday evening.

A resident complained about airplane noise.  The same resident was upset about the school starting work on the bus circle on July 1st.  Previously, when doing the roof work, they worked into the night and starting very early in the morning, even on weekends. The POA board and the residents asked the trustees what recourse is available when work begins too early and when work runs late into the evening.  The Estates trustees explained that any complaints should be called into Village Hall and in off hours, calls to the GCPD are an option.  President Slattery said that the POA would contact The School Board President (Collen Foley), to mention this matter.

There was a general discussion about St. Paul’s.

There was discussion about homes that are not maintained.  There are several in the village.  President Slattery said we can only bring it to the attention of the Village.

President Slattery mentioned that while the POA will be on summer recess, the Estates POA officers will be in contact over the summer and will coordinate administrative matters.  Dues notices for the ‘11/’12 POA fiscal year will be mailed during the summer. The POA board wished everyone a very enjoyable and healthy summer.   

The next meeting of the Estates POA will be on September 14th at 8 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned.           e He  He